Sunday, July 8, 2012


The girls and I spent a day at the zoo a few weeks ago to check out the dinosaur exhibit.  Brynn and I thought they were awesome...Cara not so much.  No matter how many times I told her they were just pretend (and she would repeat it back to me in a very unsure and worried voice) she just couldn't get past their scariness

 We no more than walked through the intitial entrance and Cara plugged her ears and kept saying, "All done.  We go now, Mom.  No more.  I don't yike this."

 Brynn on the other hand was super intrigued by the dinosaurs.  She insisted on me reading about each dinosaur and was able to retain much of the information on their diet, where they roamed, and special features. 
 After the dinosaur exhibit we had our first official picnic of the summer. 
We very rarely take our double stroller out any more now that we have a 5 year old and a 3 year old.  Most often when there is a lot of walking, or if we are in a hurry Cara sits on Brynn's lap in our little stroller.  We like to call it the "double-double."  On the way out of the zoo Cara insisted on the double-double, but instead Brynn sit on her lap.  She can be so darn sweet!  It actually lasted much longer than I thought it would.  They giggled and giggled the whole ride!

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