Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Brynn had a great time trick-or-treating. We only stopped at three houses in our neighborhood, but she said trick-or-treat all three times as well as thank you twice and love you once! It's ok to get a little confused when you're only 19 months, right?!?

We ran into Batman and Robin (aka Max and Keagan) at one house. They are one of the kindergarten teacher's 4 year old adorable twins.

And what Halloween would be complete without Ollie and Colby's annual photo? Cheesy is a pumpkin and Ollie is a fire hydrant (that he is busting out of...because he is so beefy!) Hopefully we can upgrade next year...


Brynn had her first taste of chocolate today. She had a party at Lynn's today and received several trick-or-treat bags. One bag had a couple Krackel candies in it and she firgured out how to open it right away. She took one little bite and said, "Mmmm." I asked her if Mommy could have a bite and she said very firmly, "No, Brynnies!" Most often she is very good about sharing her food or at least will offer it to us then trick us right before it gets to our mouths. Not this time!

I Love Peanut Butter Sammiches

Especially when it was Daddy's.


Rockin' out with Dad's iPod.

Fall Fun

Smelling the pumpkin. Yeah, she's a little strange. By the way she did say pew after taking a big sniff out of the pumpkin.
Helping Mommy "keen" out the pumkins.

"Daddy's kumpin, Mommy's kumpin, dats Brynnie's kumpin."
This is so much fun. Do you think Mom will notice if I take my hat off?

Making My Daddy Proud

Apple Picking

Brynn thought the best part of going to the Apple Orchard was picking the apples, of course! She had a great time pulling one apple after another off the trees and sampling each one of them. If she didn't like it she would spit out that bite, throw the apple on the ground, and try another. She's such a nut!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Apple Orchard

Darren, I and Brynn enjoyed a beautiful Saturday afternoon at an apple orchard. We're finding the older she gets the more fun it is to take her places. She had a great time...

mooing like a cow,
taking a ride on Dad's shoulders,

going for a hay ride,
and picking apples.

Look how much Brynners has grown in just one year!

So Pretty

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Need I say more? Where did she get those cheeks anyway? I'm SURE they didn't come from her mother!

What happened to my baby?

When I look at this picture part of me becomes really sad. What happened to my baby? She looks more like a little girl than a toddler here. Maybe it's because she is sitting in her baby high chair, or maybe it is because she is getting to be such a big girl. Either way it makes me sad. We absolutely love the stage she is in, but sure wish time wouldn't go by so fast.

Date With Peyton :)

Melissa and Jeremy went on a date on Saturday Brynn and Peyton did as well! We met the Eckhoffs at Old Chicago for dinner then headed back to our place with the two little ones. Brynn and Peyton (or Teytoned as Brynn calls him) have so much fun playing with eachother. The highlight of the night was trying to fit the two of them and two baby strollers in Brynn's cardboard house. They never managed to do it, but it wasn't for lack of trying! We LOVED spending time with him, Melissa and Jeremy. Let us know when we can have another sleepover :)

Attempting to cram two baby strollers in a small cardboard house.
Sharing kisses through the window.
A quick bath.

And a story before bed. What more could you ask for?