Sunday, April 8, 2012


The other night after I put the girls to bed I heard Brynn messing around in her room, but let's be honest...I am TIRED at the end of the day so as long as the girls are in their rooms and not causing too much of a ruckus I let them be. When I checked on her before I went to bed I found that she completely changed her bedding around so her head, blankets, and pillow were on the other side. I thought it was kind of odd, but left her that way. She woke me up about 3 AM to tell me that she wanted to turn back around but she couldn't get her covers on right. We now have an understanding that if she decides to flip her bed around she's on her own getting them back in place. The following morning when I asked her why she turned everything around she said she wanted to be closer to her night light. There's nothing like having a light shining in your eyes while trying to sleep.

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