Sunday, January 30, 2011

Some REALLY old Stats...

I have been meaning to get some stats up from the girls' appoinments for a really long time. For some reason they ended up in our bedroom and I don't blog in our bedroom often (or ever for that matter) so they never made it.

Here are Brynn's 3 year stats taken on 3/13/10:

Weight~ 26.8 lbs (10th %ile)
Height~35.5 inches (14th %ile)
BMI~14.95 (25th %ile)

Cara's 9 month stats taken on 4/01/2010
Weight~17 lbs. 6 oz. (19th %ile)
Height~27.5 inces (40th %ile)
HC~16.5 inches (3rd %ile)

Cara's 12 month stats taken on

Cara's 15 month stats taken on 9/17/2010:
Weight~18 lbs. 14 oz. (3rd %ile)
Height~29 inches (12th %ile)
HC~17.3 inches (6th %ile)

Cara's 18 month stats taken on 12/10/10:
Weight~19 lbs. 10 oz. (2nd %ile)
Height~30 1/4 inches (14th %ile)
HC~17 1/2 inches (5th %ile)

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