Monday, August 30, 2010

Girls' Night Out!

Darren worked at T.I. a beautiful evening in early August. The girls and I decided we didn't want to hang out at home (and I didn't want to make dinner) so we packed up the bike trailer and headed off to the park near Rambling River, played for a while, then hopped back in/on the bike and headed to Dairy Queen for dinner and a treat. The girls were both in silly moods so we all had tons of fun!
After dinner Brynn chose a dilly bar for dessert.
Cara chose a plain cone (fancy that!).

Buggy did some dancing to the music to keep us entertained.

Cara offered Brynn a bite of her cone then would take it away really fast so she couldn't get it. We all thought this was hilarious!

Brynnie offered Cara some of the crunchies from my cone and Cara thought it was so cool her big sister was feeding her!
What a great end to the day with two of my favorites!

1 comment:

Pete, Jenny, Claire, Ainsley and Riley said...

That Brynn is too funny. I love the dancing pictures.