Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Minnesota Twins!

Just before school started Darren scored us free tickets to go watch the Twins play at Target field. I love that the girls are getting big enough that we can jump at things like this with little to no planning. Despite the heat and the blaring sun (we were dressed way too warmly for sitting in the sun, would have been perfect if we were in the shade...but we weren't) the girls did amazingly well. They each downed a hot dog straight from a vendor and some fruits and veggies brought from home (I love that they let you bring food in there). Brynn was especially good because I told her she could get ice cream at the end of the game if she was good. That girl will do any thing for a sweet treat. She's kind of like her dad that way. Cara could have cared less about the ice cream. She was so into cheering and people watching she would have stayed there all night if we let her :)

Too busy eating ice cream to look up for a picture.

Towards the end of the game, when others had left, the older couple behind us invited us up to sit with the shade with them. It was very much appreciated by all!

I think we've got a baseball fan on our hands...

It was the perfect way to spend the last day of summer vacation!

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