Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brynn Welcomes Rain

Auntie Key and Uncle Tommy gave Brynn rain boots and a rain coat for her 3rd birthday. She insists on wearing them any time the sky looks as if it could possibly rain. Her dream finally came true on My 30th when we finally had a rain worth boots, a rain coat and an umbrella.

Cara couldn't quite figure out what Brynn was doing out there, but had to sit by the window and watch her until she came back in.

These "friends" Brynn talks about are her invisible friends. She has several that come and go, but one tends to hang around a lot. His name is Link and, "He is 3 like me but he is really, really tiny, but he is big like me too." The said Link started to hang around our house in late April to early is now mid July and Link is still present most days of the week. Should I be worried about this?

1 comment:

Emily Nelson said...

I think that is the cutest thing ever! Evan is just starting with his "imaginary friends" but none of them have cool names like "Link!"