Sunday, September 20, 2009


It happened again...poor little Brynners hurt the same wrist she hurt last winter. This time she was choosing not to go with her dad to get "dundies" on. They both pulled the opposite direction and Brynn immediately began crying. I wasn't sure if she was over tired or if she really hurt herself so we waited until after her nap before we decided to take her in. It was very apparent after her nap that something was wrong. She had x-rays done and no visible break was noted, but the doctor prefaced it with he "was a family doctor, not a radiologist and that two year old bones are not fully formed" so there could be more going on in the x-ray that he couldn't read. He put a splint on Brynn and sent her x-rays to the radiologist to be read and also said he would like her seen by her pediatrician in the morning. Although the splint seems to be helping she is still quite uncomfortable. Tonight she wanted to sleep in her clothes so she didn't have to take her shirt off. Poor, sweet thing!

She did get to watch a little Dora the Explorer (those of you that know me know how much I hate Dora so you know she was in quite a bit of pain for me to let her watch t.v.) tonight and man was she in heaven!

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