Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Eve

The Eckhoffs come over last night for a little New Year's party. Brynn and Peyton are such good buddies. They had so much fun running around chasing each other. They both slept very well that night...and so did the adults!
Playing in Brynn's baby bed. We usually don't let Brynn climb on this, but it was too cute watching the two of them try to get into that little spot!
Opening gifts Climbing on the Kangaroo Climber Santa brought Brynn

Of course, the two had to freshen up after the hard night of playing before crawling into bed.

1 comment:

Emily Nelson said...

Brynn and Peyton are so cute together! We rang in the New Year by Evan falling asleep at 7:30 (which NEVER happens!) It looks like you guys had a great time. Happy New Year!