Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cragun's 2012

The summer went out with a bang with our 3rd annual Aslehoff vacation!  Honestly, it's what I look forward to most all year long.  Awesome friends, great food, amazing kids, and a relaxing vacation just before school starts.  It doesn't get any better than that!  It has taken me forever to go through the hundreds of photos and decide which ones were blog worthy...PLENTY were! 

 These 4 are the best of friends when we get together.  I can't wait to see how their friendships continue to grow as they do.  The picture was taken just as we arrived at Cragun's...the adults were unpacking (and sipping on cold beverages) while the kids snacked on apples.
 Sweet Landon playing "princess" with Cara.
 Lunch for 4 hungry kiddos.
 Love, love, love this picture. 
The dads and the kids spent many an evening out (and morning...and afternoon) on the dock.
 Cara was such a little fisherman...she was the one out there the longest insisting whoever was with her to, "watch your bobber."
 Picture of summer!
 Now THAT'S a big fish!

 This one too!
 Landon loved himself a worm!
 Man, I love this girl...I think this picture was taken just before I peed my pants from laughing so hard!
 Grandpa Bill and Grandma DelRae met up with us for a day and kept the kids very well entertained.  Grandpa Bill can do some amazing things with sand and all the kids were so into it!
 I make sandcastles (from a formed bucket) in the sand...Grandpa Bill makes alligators and starfish!

 "Watch your bobber, guys.  Okay?"

 Another HUGE fish.  They were massive by the dock!
 I am going to be so sad if they don't end up marrying eachother.

 Frosting, Cara?

 Notice the death grip from Cara on Darren's face?  Someone's slightly afraid of heights.
 Classic, Jeremy!

 If this one's every up for grabs, Melissa and Jeremy, I get first dibs!
 Just another picture to add to their wedding photo table.

 After watching Brynn jump off the dock and seeing how fun it looked Cara thought she better give it a try.  Just like last year she was not at all impressed.  I love the next series of photos.

I am pretty sure her legs came in to contact with sea weed. 
 This girl couldn't get enough of it!
 Nor could Landon. 
Notice Cara thinking she would give it another try from a different angle?  Her legs touched the sea weed here too so Darren had to "save" her since it was quite a ways from shore. 
 Just like Cara, Peyton was not at all thrilled with the sea weed, but enjoyed plenty of time spent on the beach.

 Yep, I want him!
 Four adorable kids on Bill's (the fire wood delivery/fire starter guy) gator. 

 All's I can say about this is, "WOOT, WOOT!"  Maybe I had a little too much to drink this night, but the birthday cake ice cream was soooo yummy!
 Cute couple!
 Landon, Brynn, and Peyton thought the ice cream was fantastic.  Cara said the cone was yummy ;)
 Brynn was not into driving around the lake on the pontoon, however, she LOVED jumping off the pontoon in the water.  She must have jumped at least 100 times!
 Handsome boys!

 Peyton was not a fan of jumping off the pontoon.
 There she goes again!
 Landon couldn't get enough of it either!
 I am not a fan of being wet or took a lot of convincing on Brynn's part to have me jump in with her.  It was soooo much FUN!  I can't wait to do it again this year.
 Cara was slowly lowered in the water so she could join us.
 This is where Cara was perched for much of our swims off the pontoon.  Silly girl!
 Brynn is such a fish!

 Some tired kids after a long day on the water.
 Gosh, we have cute kids!
 Terrible pictue of me, but an adorable picture of Cara.

 Family jump!  Although it looks quite dangerous, Landon faired just fine!

Just before we left we ate at Zorbaz...a pretty famous pizza place.
Above you will see all the kids on one side of the table ;)

Thank you Eckhoffs for another unforgettable week at Cragun's! 
We can't wait until August of 2013!

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