Tuesday, January 29, 2013


This past summer Brynn participated in T-Ball every Tuesday night.  She was on a team of all boys except for her and one other little girl.  Initially I was really nervous about her not liking it.  Although she did not pay attention in the least she said she really liked playing and wants to play again this summer!
 Getting some words of advice from her coaches.
 While Brynn stares at the trees, grass, birds during T-Ball, Cara plays in the sand.

 Walking back to first base after rounding to second.  The first few games she made it all the way home!...not because she should have but because she was in her own little world and didn't listen to anyone at any of the bases telling her she needed to stop and go back to first base!
 Cara and Henry also practiced their quicks at the T-Ball games!
She may not have a clue what's going on out on the field (notice her glove is on the wrong  hand?) but she sure looks cute out there!

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