Friday, February 10, 2012

Holiday Inn

The day after Christmas my mom's brothers and sisters all spend the night at the Holiday Inn in Austin. We've always gone for a few hours but opted to head back to Farmington when the girls were ready for bed. Sleeping any place other than her room has always been a challenge for Cara (let's just say sleeping in general...she's always had a difficult time sleeping). She's still not great, but at least she will sleep for a few hours at a time when she is not in her own bed. I think the girls were more excited to stay in the hotel than they were about Christmas in general.

The highlight was definitely the swimming pool!

Uncle Dylan was such a good sport swimming with all the kids! Thanks, Dylan. It made drinking beer a lot easier for me...and I felt it ALL of the next day too!

Aubrey Mae even came out to stand in the pool. Yes, stand. She wanted nothing to do with the actual swimming part!

Uncle Dylan is sooo much fun!

Nolan brought his little DVD player up to our room so he and the girls could watch a video before bed. However, it was way past bed time after other late nights due to Christmas so it didn't work out as well as we would have hoped..., Nolan headed back to his room and we rented a $7 movie on the tv in our room!

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