Wednesday, December 28, 2011


We like to party! We like, we like to party! And Halloween is no exception! We celebrated Halloween 3 times in just a week. I don't remember Halloween being so much fun when I was a kid, but it sure is when I have kids!

The first party started the Monday before Halloween. Brynn and her buddy Miranda planned a Halloween party for their friends at Miranda's house. The kids had so much fun!

They did crafts,
played games,

took group photos,

went trick-or-treating, (Miranda's granparents live on their property and had someone to hand out treats at her grandparents house, the shed, barn, and man room)

and played pin the smile on the pumpkin!

Friday night after work we carved our pumpkins. Brynn was really in to it, but Cara wanted nothing to do with it at first. When she was asked to clean the goo out of her pumpkin she just kept repeating, "I not do it. You do it. I not gonna do it. No, you do it." I told her she could help carve unless she cleaned it out first. Of couse, once she got her hands in the goo she thought it was so cool and cleaned both her's and mine out.

She needed to be CLOSELY watched with the knife though. Holy smokes I am surprised my heart is still in my chest!

Insert the picture of Brynn carving here...I just deleted it :(

Our final products!

Saturday we had all our favorite people over to celebrate. The kids had so much fun! Here's the crew: Brynn, Claire, Nolan holding Emry, Ella holding Logan, Henry holding Charlie, Cara, Aubrey, Eli, and Evie.

We played a little pass the pumpkin. When the music stopped and you had the pumpkin you got to dig through the pumpkin's brain (cold spaghetti noodles) and find a prize.

We also did a little freeze dancing to the "Monster Mash!"

Here are the too cools while the rest of us dance. Nolan couldn't be any more like his dad, Aubrey on the other hand did end up joining us with a little coaxing.

For some reason I only took a picture of the spooky cake :( We did have quite the spread of spooky food though!

Finally, on Monday we celebrated one last time. Here is Little Bo Peep and her sheep!

Brynn's friend Miranda lives out in the country so she and her family came trick-or-treating with us.

We talk about healthy eating quite often at our house as I want the girls to always eat their fruits and vegetables and not eat too much junk. I bought small packages of pretzels to give out on Halloween. After the girls were done trick-or-treating they wanted to hand out our treats. Brynn found the back of a sticker sheet and wrote the word "healthy" on it and stuck it on our outside door so people would know we were handing out "healthy" snacks. She is such a nut!

All in all it was a very good Halloween 2011!

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