Thursday, November 18, 2010

All Caught Up :(

I have been extremely slow at posting all summer/fall because I am so far behind and it is such a daunting feeling to go back and do all the posts in the right order. Well, apparently our computer knew this about me and decided to make it easy on me and the hard drive took a turn for the worse...and we lost ALL our pictures taken from the last 6 months. Yes, it would have been really bright of me to back them up on to something, but I didn't. So, half of Cara's life has been lost :( Despite all our efforts and those at Buds and Bytes (a flower/computer shop here in Farmington) we were unable to get any of them back. I am sick about it to say the least. Don't worry--anything I download now will indeed be backed up!


Emily Nelson said...

I am so sad for you guys! :( We lost our hard-drive a month ago as well, and all I have left are the blog photos. I feel even worse that you guys have nothing. Darn computers. They have great potential but seem to make our lives even more difficult most of the time. My condolences!

The Eckhoffs said...

Oh no Jen I am so sorry. I can't imagine. I will send you all the picture I have your girls. I know that isn't much. You guys have had a hard week.