Thursday, October 28, 2010

Toy Story 3

Brynn and I went to her second move in early September. I remember Toy Story being such a great movie that I thought she would really enjoy Toy Story 3. Boy was I wrong. Within minutes of the movie starting Brynn jumped on my lap, after a few more minutes she said she wanted to go home. I thought she just needed time to adjust...and then Woody was separated from the rest of the toys and she started bawling--what a sweet little heart she has. After that she looked at me and said, "I just want to go home and watch Word World." What a sheltered little life this girl leads! So, that is exactly what we did. We packed up our popcorn, came home, got Word World set up on the T.V. and cuddled in on the couch. Thankfully we were only in the theater for 20 minutes or so so they refunded our money.

She looks really excited about seeing a movie here!

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