Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Cabin" Trip

Darren and I decided we needed our first family of 4 trip before we went back to school. After pondering many options we decided to rent a cabin at Jellystone Park in Warrens, WI. I had been camping there a few times when I was younger, but haven't been back in at least 15 years (does this make me old?). As camping doesn't really interest me a whole lot with two little ones we decided to spend a little extra money on a cabin. Boy were we shocked when we pulled up in front of our "cabin." It was no bigger than a shoe box with two tiny little bedrooms, and I really do mean tiny. We brought pack-n-play for Brynners to sleep in in the second bedroom thinking it would be easier than bringing all the bedding for her bed. Well little did we know that a person could be not bigger than Brynn to fit in the second bedroom. So we improvised and gave her our top sheet to cover the mattress and one of our blankets. We really talked her bedroom up so she would be excited to sleep in there and she did fantastic. I think she was so exhausted each night that it wouldn't have mattered where she slept!
Here she is in her itty, bitty bedroom. Notice the bed is about half the size of a regular twin bed.
Riding the train before leaving Jellystone. She was really tired and really not willing to cooperate for the camera.
Not sure why this is sideways, but I don't feel like figuring it out right now. Look at those thighs. As with the cheeks, the thighs did not come from me either!
Beach Babes!

Some proud little kids!
Brynn and Peytons teepee. They were sure proud of the "fire" they built. Brynn was a little confused when Darren took all the wood out again to build a log cabin.
By the look on Brynn's face you would think her finger was on fire. It was just a reflection of the glow stick in the camera. These were a huge it. They even kept two very tired toddlers quite occupied when it was WAY past bedtime.
Can't have a fire without a S'more or two!

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