Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Last week was a HUGE milestone for Brynn. She began going pee on the potty! Lynn, Brynn's daycare provider, told us she was going to have Brynn potty trained before Christmas. Darren and I were both quite skeptical and really didn't know that that would happen. Well, once Brynn sets her mind to something she rarely will give up. I am so proud of her determination--what a great quality to have! Potty training began on Monday, November 3, and she had accidents all day. Tuesday, November 4, was a huge success with no pee accidents. This held true for the rest of the week. The one area we are still working on is pooping in the toilet...although tonight she was successful. I believe we will hit the Christmas goal and if I was a betting woman I would say she will be fully potty trained by Thanksgiving...at just 20 months! Congratulations, Brynn. You are such a BIG GIRL! We love you so much!!
It's always best to watch the pee come out!

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