Darren left us last weekend to go ice fishing with some buddies so we decided we better have a little girl time with our favorite ladies. Jen and Claire came Friday after school and stayed until after naps on Saturday. We had so much fun!

Claire loved Brynn's dress up clothes and camera.

After we had some squeaky clean kids we FINALLY were able to capture an adorable picture of the three. Nice work, Jen!


Before bed we read some good books. Unfortunately, bed really wasn't Claire's thing. I'm not sure if Jen will be up for another sleepover any time in the near future...Claire sleeps (or should I say doesn't sleep) a lot like Cara when she is not in her own bed.

Saturday morning the girls played a little Ring Around the Rosie before getting ready to go bowling.

Someone's pretty excited to get started :) We began our bowling experience with having each girl pick out their own ball...until we kept finding Cara and Claire walking around with bowling balls every time we turned around. Since we didn't want to lose any toes on our first bowling experience together we decided we would stick with one ball so we knew where it was at all times!

Brynn was very insistent in setting up her ramp and getting her own ball without any help. By the end she was doing really well!

Cara LOVED bowling. It will definitely be on our calendar in the future!

Claire starting out excited about bowling, unfortunately, her lack of sleep caught up with her and after about the 3rd frame she was done. Her mom turned out to be a really good bowler with bumpers and a ramp though. Claire came in the lead!

LOVE these girls!

These ones too!
Thanks, Jen and Claire for spending the night with us. We had so much fun!
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