Over Christmas break Cara and I (yep, just the two of us) met Jenny Paul, Claire Bear, and Betsy, Jen's mom, at the Children's Museum. It was so much fun (and so easy-why do we have two kids?) to spend one-on-one time with Cara. She had a great time too!
She did a little playing in the water table,

grabbed a quick drink when thirsty (YUCK-but I had to get a picture),

dried her hands several times, but not nearly as often as Claire did,

did a little grocery shopping,

walked up and down this ramp a
million times,

turned the lights "
opf" and on,

popped the dog out of the house over and over again,

scoped out a good spot to go ice fishing,

didn't manage to catch anything (just like her dad),

climbed up the rope ladder only to...

slide down this slide,

made her mom's
claustrophobia rise following her through the ant tunnels,

and finally she got to eat Claire's Cheetos with lunch. Does life get any better than this? What a great morning spent with some of our favorite people!
Disclaimer: Apparently I only take pictures of my own kid doing fun things...sorry Claire! I really need to get better at this!
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