Tom's company has an annual Christmas party and this lucky lady got to spend the evening with two adorable little boys. I will have to admit that I was glad Darren was home that evening because, although they were all very good, 4 kids 4 and under is a lot of work!

Brynn loves her Charlie Paul!

Legos kept the big kids entertained for much of the evening. Notice Brynn's face in this photo...Henry just got done knocking over her chimney on their house...again.

This is how they spent the rest of their evening. Good thing Darren is such a good sport :)

Finally, they all spent the night in Brynn's room. After reading books, singing songs, and putting all Henry's animals to bed I gave the three a little talk about how late it was and that I wanted them to go right to sleep so no talking, no getting out of bed, no turning the lights on... Well, 1 out of the 3 listened (I'll let you guess which one). At precisely 10:17 P.M., or so Brynn's talking alarm clock told me through the monitor I set up so I could spy on them, and then again at 10:17 P.M., and then again at 10:17 P.M. (yes, it was pushed three times in a row) I realized I better go in a put the smack down. As soon as I opened the door Henry tattles, "Cara push the button." and as soon as that was out of his mouth Cara tattled, "Henry talking." Luckily I was able to tuck the two of them in again (Brynn was pretending to sleep to assure she didn't get tattled on) and they did, eventually, fall asleep. Henry slept great at our house and Cara was only up one time that night. So, all in all, it was a successful sleepover!

I couldn't talk Kate into letting Charlie have a sleepover with us so as soon as their party was over they came to get him. Apparently Tommy had too much fun that night as he was cashed out even before he left our house.

The next morning Tom, Key, and Charlie picked up bagels, coffee, and hot cocoa then came to our house and we all had breakfast together.

Charlie must have been tuckered out by his busy night at Auntie Jennie's house because we didn't even see the whites of his eyes when they were here for breakfast.
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