Every year I say it, but we had the best Christmas. It is getting so much more fun now that the girls can participate and really enjoy the holiday! Since Darren's parents were already in Arizona and we celebrated with my family on December 17th we were able to ejoy Christmas Eve at home as a family of 4.

We started the morning off baking muffins. The girls each received a miffin mix, gingerbread muffin sheet, and apron from Jenna at daycare when they traded gifts on the 23rd. They both LOVE helping in the kitchen so this was a perfect gift!

Breakfast on Christmas Eve...Wildberry muffins in the shape of gingerbread men and fresh pineapple. I don't, or should I say didn't, buy fresh pineapple on a regular basis before Christmas Eve, but the girls ate almost the enitre pineapple that morning. Apparently they love pineapple!
We spent the morning just hanging out at home then met Dylan, Angie, Nolan, and Emry for church at 11, came home and took naps, had a great dinner which included Von Hanson's steaks (Mmmmm!), and finally opened gifts.

They were more than ready to start the gift opening. So was Ollie...he started opening gifts under our tree (that weren't even for him) well before Christmas!

Their favorite gift by far was the doll house from Darren and me.

Before bed we read How the Grinch Stole Christmas! for the third year in a row. This was the first year that Cara was able to partcipate.

Then we sprinkled "Grinch Dust" on our steps to make sure the Grinch didn't steal our Christmas.

Finally, we put out carrots, cookies, and beer for Santa and his reindeer.
Christmas morning the girl woke up and played with their gifts from Santa for a bit..well they played with Brynn's gift. Brynn received a Go Go Walking Pup in which she had been talking about for months. Cara received a Bitty Baby high chair that she played with for almost a half hour when we were at the American Doll store. Brynn played with her dog on and off for about an hour that morning and hasn't touched it since. Cara has yet to play with her high chair. Instead of playing with their Santa toys they played with the doll house all morning...and still do. It is hours worth of entertainment for the two of them. It's worth it's weight and so much more in gold!

After spending a relaxing morning at home we headed to Austin to celebrate Christmas with my extended family.

For as long as I can remember Santa has made an appearance every year on Christmas for the Swank family. The girls were in awe that Santa was at Uncle Nate and Aunt Shawn's house. As soon as Brynn saw him she ran up to him and said, "Thank you for my Go Go Walking Pup, Santa!" So sweet!

Cara even sat on his lap, but I didn't get my camera out fast enough :(
It was a super fun two days celebrating Christmas!
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