Saturday, February 18, 2012
Budding Artist
Llama, Llama Red Pajama
The girls and I went to Llama, Llama Red Pajama at the Stage's Theater with our teacher friends on President's Day. It was so much fun! The girls did move a muscle throughout the whole performance. They enjoyed it so much I just ordered tickets to Giggle, Giggle quack in April and Suessical in July. I can't wait!
Fun with the Mullenbachs!
Every time my family gets together it is so busy with all the kids we don't have much time to enjoy each other's company. Ang and I decided we needed an overnighter so we could catch up. We headed to Buffalo after naps on Saturday. We had delicious home made pizza by the kids for dinner. Brynn, Cara, and Nolan had so much fun making it. Great idea, Ang!
New Year's Eve
Since Darren and I met we have always spent New Year's with Melissa and Jeremy. As our families grew the evenings changed quite a bit, but we all still had a great time. Melissa's brother was able to get leave from Iraq and come home for New Year's so the Eckhoffs, of course, spent the New Year with her family. Turns out it was a good thing. Brynn and I both ended up with the flu. Brynn's started on New Year's Eve eve and my started on New Year's Eve day. Brynn was feeling much better by New Year's Eve day so Darren and the girls spent the evening together. They started their night off with a little bowling then came home and had dinner and drank sparkling cider from champagne glasses.
Judging by Brynn's eyes you would think we really did give her an alcoholic beverage!
Christmas with the Berlings
We celebrated Christmas with Jen, Pete, and Claire (and Betsy, Jeff, and Mikey) on December 29th. The girls always have so much fun playing together. Claire has some pretty cool toys (LOTS of Barbies and dress up clothes) so the girls are never bored. Betsy made us a delicious dinner then the girls opened gifts from each other.
I can't wait until next year when we can add one more adorable girl in matching jammies to this picture!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Oh, Ollie!
"I just love when the girls leave pillows and a blanket in the laundry is such a good snuggling place!"
Friday, February 10, 2012
Holiday Inn
The day after Christmas my mom's brothers and sisters all spend the night at the Holiday Inn in Austin. We've always gone for a few hours but opted to head back to Farmington when the girls were ready for bed. Sleeping any place other than her room has always been a challenge for Cara (let's just say sleeping in general...she's always had a difficult time sleeping). She's still not great, but at least she will sleep for a few hours at a time when she is not in her own bed. I think the girls were more excited to stay in the hotel than they were about Christmas in general.
The highlight was definitely the swimming pool!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Christmas 2011
Every year I say it, but we had the best Christmas. It is getting so much more fun now that the girls can participate and really enjoy the holiday! Since Darren's parents were already in Arizona and we celebrated with my family on December 17th we were able to ejoy Christmas Eve at home as a family of 4.
We spent the morning just hanging out at home then met Dylan, Angie, Nolan, and Emry for church at 11, came home and took naps, had a great dinner which included Von Hanson's steaks (Mmmmm!), and finally opened gifts.
Christmas morning the girl woke up and played with their gifts from Santa for a bit..well they played with Brynn's gift. Brynn received a Go Go Walking Pup in which she had been talking about for months. Cara received a Bitty Baby high chair that she played with for almost a half hour when we were at the American Doll store. Brynn played with her dog on and off for about an hour that morning and hasn't touched it since. Cara has yet to play with her high chair. Instead of playing with their Santa toys they played with the doll house all morning...and still do. It is hours worth of entertainment for the two of them. It's worth it's weight and so much more in gold!
After spending a relaxing morning at home we headed to Austin to celebrate Christmas with my extended family.
Dance :)
Brynn and Cara had their first dance performance of the season on Saturday, December 17th. They both did so well showing off their skills!
Of course, the girls danced in two different shows that day. I didn't realize that if I signed them up on two different days of the week one would dance in the 1 O'Clock show and the other would dance in the 4:30 show. Mental note for next year...sign them up for the same day of the week!
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