Sunday, July 18th proved to be the perfect day to attend a Minnesota Twins game at the new Target stadium. Initially we had planned on the whole family going, but that morning we decided to leave Cara behind as it most likely wouldn't be as much fun for Darren, Brynn and me. Although we had seats in the upper deck we could see the field perfectly and were able to watch the Twins come back and win in the ninth inning against the Chicago White Sox.

Family photo at Katie's before leaving Cara there.

We took the train in thinking Brynn would think it was pretty cool. She (and her mom) were rather unimpressed and have decided we'll drive next time we venture that way.

Of course, we had to introduce Brynnie to the "dome" dog. For those that have not had one at Target field--it's no dome dog, but Brynn didn't seem to mind as she has never had the real thing.

She was able to take up the art of spitting sunflower seeds. At first she was a little worried because, "We can't eat them mom, then they won't grow sunflowers!" After convincing her that these seeds won't grow sunflowers she was occupied for quite some time learning how to crack the shell and find the seeds. At this point in her sunflower seed eating experience it was quite the amount of work for what she was able to get in return!!

Instead of taking a picture of Brynn and me at the game Darren had me take a picture of the Target Field logo so he could use it as a screen saver. Hmm, I see how we rate!

Brynn was acting strange and fell asleep in the 7th inning and slept until the end of the game. After we got home and took her temp. she had a 102 fever--no wonder she was acting strangely! Poor thing!!
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