Brynn had her first trip to the dentist on June 23rd. Prior to the appointment we read several books about going to the dentist to get Brynnie familiar with the process. She woke up the next morning really excited and inquisitive. We dropped Beanie off at Lynn's and headed to Lakeville. While she waited she was able to play in the house in the waiting room with teeth for chairs and read some more books about teeth. She was called back and hopped right up on the chair. The hygienist talked to Brynn about all the instruments and even let her play with them a bit then they got to work. She did phenomenal, and the dentist said her teeth were in excellent condition but tight so we should floss daily (what dentist doesn't recommend that?). All in all it was an excellent visit.
Cool shades she picked out from the prize basket. Of course she picked out green because, "Green matches my daddy's truck."
That night before bed I told Brynn to grab her new toothbrush and we could use it. She looked at me worriedly and said, "But mom, I don't want to brush the sparkly off!" So cute!! I did convince her that they would still be sparkly even after we brushed them.
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