After some discussion at Brynn 4 year well child visit we were referred to an ENT due to her excessive snoring. We finally made an appointment with the ENT in June and he agreed with our pediatrician that she most likely had sleep apnea and her tonsils and adnoids should be removed. The summer went by and I realized we better get it done or I would be missing at least a week of work when school started. So, August 5 she went in for her first, and hopefully only, surgical procedure.

Here she is looking pretty cute in her gown waiting for her "turn" in the O.R.

I even got to get all suited up and carry her into the anesthesia room. Once we got into the room she became very scared, but it sure didn't take them long to knock her out!

Coming out of surgery.

Brynn LOVED that she could ask for a popsicle any time she wanted and they would not hesitate bringing her one. I am pretty sure she had at least 5 in the two hours we were there before we got to go home.

She even asked the nurse if I could have one! She is so darn sweet!

Her legs worked fine, but she sure thought her wheel chair ride out was pretty cool :)

Pudding...on the couch?!?! I could get used to this surgery thing!
Once Darren got home from work I sent him to the store to get Brynn some more Tylenol. The bottle on the right is the size I usually buy...the bottle on the left is the one he came home with because, "It was such a great deal!" I honestly thought we would have that bottle of Tylenol for years to come. Turns out when you give your patient Tylenol every three hours (day and night) for a week straight you go through it pretty quick.
Overall Brynn did very well post surgery. It took a full week before she would eat anything, but being hungry didn't seem to bother her a bit. Other than the eating thing and waking her up every three hours for medicine she was back to herself the day after surgery. AND, she no longer all. It's a miracle!!
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