Once again we had the VERY BEST summer vacation with our great friends, the Eckhoffs, at Craguns Resort in Brainerd, MN. We, the Aslesons just for the record, arrived before the Eckhoffs this year. It might have been because they stopped at urgent care on the way up to get medication for Landon's eye infection...but that didn't matter to us-WE STILL BEAT THEM. That was the first and most likely the last time we will be able to say that.
It didn't take the kids long to change into their swimming suits and hit the water while the adults unpacked. Our cabin was located about 100 feet from the water so we were able to watch the big kids while getting settled. A perfect set up!

Once we were all unpacked we sat down to begin enjoying our week. At about this point in the vacation Melissa claimed, "Quack, quack this cabin back." Jeremy, knowing a little bit about a lot of things, eyed up the cabin next to ours and claimed last year that it had more living space than the one we were in. I honestly thought he was smokin' something because they were the exact same price and looking at them they appeared to be exactly alike. But, of course, Jeremy was correct. It had A LOT more kitchen and living space. So, quack, quack it's our again next year!

One of many pictures taken this week to add to their wedding table.

Cara and her super serious/concentrating face. It's hard work getting the sand in the funnel.

The kids enjoying one of many delicious dinners. I'm going to say it again...the Asleshoffs produce some adorable kids :)

Getting ready for the first of many nights of s'mores.

The kids loved that they cuold be playing in the water when it was dark. "You may as long as you don't get your clothes wet." Notice how everyone followed the rules. Who am I kidding, of course they would get wet playing in the lake!

Once we were all unpacked I realized I only brought the girls one swim suit. Who brings only one suit on a beach vacation? So, the boys took the kids to feed the ducks while Melissa and I ran to Target to get some items we forgot. Thank goodness it was the end of the season because I was able to pick up 2 swim suits for under $7.

Darren was so proud of himself that he thought of getting a picture of the 4 together. Nice job, D!

Play dough was such a great 'waiting for lunch to be ready' activity.

You'll have to look closely, but there is a fish on the end of Brynn's line :)

Me and the "little kids."

We bought Cara her own fishing pole, but we didn't even need to break it out as she was super content just watching Brynn and Peyton fish.

Brynn, Peyton, and Cara playing 'train' by the fire.

We only had to break it out once, but You Tube sure came in handy with 4 hungry and tired kids while Melissa and I got lunch ready...and the boys golfed.

Just another to add to the table...

Boating sure tuckered this guy out!

We decided to rent a pontoon this year for part of our vacation. The weather was so beautiful that we really got to take advantage of the pontoon.

Like father, like son!

Each of the kids had plenty of time at the wheel.

" Fat man in a little suit!"

Melissa, Jeremy, Darren, Peyton, and Brynn all took turns jumping off the back of the pontoon into the middle of the lake. Landon even decided to join in after a bit. Unfortunately, Cara didn't want to so I volunteered to stay on the boat with her. Thanks, Cara because the others said the water was freezing!

Everyone except Cara all wrapped up after getting out of the water.

Beach Babe!


Lovin' the glasses, Beaner :)

Craguns also has an outdoor pool that was super warm. Brynn and Peyton perfected their "cannon balls" here.

Me and my favorite ladies - L.O.V.E.

Just like last year, Cara was super content playing in the sand.
The Eckhoff boys have not trouble napping on the boat.