Thursday, August 11, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Shortly after her birthday we moved Cara into a big girl bed. It has gone way better than expected. We chose not to have the girls share a room since Cara still had rough nights (she would wake up one or two times a night and cry for 15-20 minutes before falling back to sleep). Apparently, all we had to do was move her to a bed. Other than getting up to pee, which is much less often than it used to be, she doesn't make a peep all night long. Had I known this I would have put her right in a big bed straight from the hospital!

Here she is all tucked in on her first night. Looks like she's excited to have a big bed!
We started out with rails on her bed but realized that she doesn't move at all from the time she goes to sleep until she is up in the morning so we took them off. SO much easier to make the bed without them.

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