Brynn had her last session of swimming lessons (until September) the first week in June. Darren usually takes her so I am always amazed on how much she has improved when, for some reason or another, I take her. She is quite the little fish!

She can even swim to the bottom of the pool, find a diving stick, and make her way back up again. We are so proud of her!!

To make a special day even more special Cara peed on the potty for the first time after Brynn's lesson!! We decided (three weeks before her second birthday) that it was time to get her trained while she was still in the care of the expert, our daycare Lynn. The first week of June on a Monday Cara started and had accidents all day as well as the following day. Tuesday Brynn had swimming and I had to take her so I made sure to put a diaper on Cara before we left for swimming. By the time swimming was over it has been about an hour and a half since she had last tried to go on the potty, she has lots to drink at the pool, and she ws still dry so I just knew she HAD to go. It took over a half hour sitting on this potty, singing songs, counting, and much reassuring and convincing her that it was okay to go pee on the potty and then she FINALLY did. Man, were we all (Brynn, Cara and I) so excited. Potty training hasn't been quite as easy with Cara as it was with Brynn (but nothing with Cara seems to be so it really isn't much of a surprise), but I honestly can't complain at all. She has had very few accidents and is willing to go sit on the potty almost any time I ask her to-which is quite often (about every 40 minutes) since I am a little paranoid of her having an accident. However, this last week (July 20th) she has been going longer stretches (1 1/2hours) and will often tell me when she has to go before I even ask her! Not that it is a great thing since we have had more nights that we have gotten up with Cara than haven't, but she even wakes up in the middle of the night to go potty (but will go right back to sleep) and will more often than not wake up dry in the morning! I really was ready for a battle potty training her, but it has been no where near that! We are so proud of you, Cara Bean! You are growing up way to fast!
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