Since Easter was weeks ago I can't remember exactly what we did...but I do have a few pictures to share some fun moments!
The girls and I were home from school on Good Friday and Darren was working so we had an impromptu egg painting party with Auntie Key and Honrey. I found some paints with little roller at Target earlier that day. They were perfect for coloring eggs with a 4 year old and two one year olds. Kate just might say I was a little over anxious about the way Henry "painted," however, I enjoyed every over zealous stroke he made :)

The girls took the painting very seriously.

Henry enjoyed it in several small spurts.

Although it was better than cups filled with dye waiting to be spilled, the paint brushes were still a little messy.

Shortly after the painting began (when I say shortly I mean within a minute or two) Henry decided it really wasn't for him. After painting his face, crawling on the table, dipping his fingers into the paint, tossing rollers around, then cracking and smashing his egg Kate (finally) decided maybe painting wasn't for him - thank goodness :)

A few of the finished products. We definitely will be using the brushes again next year.
Saturday morning we all headed over to the Parkses to celebrate Easter with my family. Celebrations just gets better and better with every gathering. I know I say it in just about every family gathing blog, but the kids are at such fun ages :)

Brynn was REALLY in to the Easter egg hunt. As soon as we arrived at the house that morning she had spotted several eggs randomly placed throughout the house. I did need to continue to remind her that she could not scoop them all up and to remember that the little kids needed to get some eggs too. We agreed that she could find 4 eggs total...unfortunately Nolie Olie was a little too quick with the egg hunt (he had no parameters...and his dad kept pointing eggs out to him) so Brynn was only able to find 3 eggs before the rest were gobbled up by all her little cousins. She was a little sad at first, but of course she perked right back up when the bunny cake came out.
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