Brynn turned 4 on Sunday, March 13th. To celebrate her birthday we had a ladybug party on March 12th. She had so much fun! It was certainly a day to celebrate what a kind, intelligent, beautiful, caring, generous, happy little girl that graced our live 4 short years ago. Man, we are lucky she's ours!
To start the party off we played a little pin the dots on the ladybug.
After pin the dot on the ladybug we played drop the ladybug in the bucket.
Cara's best buddy, Eli
After drop the ladybug in the bucket and before our summery dinner (brats, turkey dogs, potato salad, watermelon, veggies and dip, and chips) we broke open the pinata Brynn and I made. I really didn't think it was strong, but it took MANY hits by the kids and then many by myself before it broke open...and the kids really didn't acknowledge the fact that it held candy :( Quite the disappointment to the girls who spent hours perfecting a ladybug pinata.
The birthday girl and the adorable (yep, I'm giving myself compliments) pinata.
Cara Bean
Do you see ALL the kids darting for the pinata? They barely could keep their hands off it!
As Brynn put it when she saw her pinata in the garage the next day, "My ladybug looks sad now, Mom..."
Henry, Auntie Key, Aubrey, and Aunt Carmen
Quick picture of ALL the kiddos at the party. Baby Evie, Brynn, Ella, Henry, Cara, Logan, Aubrey, Nolan, and Eli. It sure was a busy party!!
Man, I have talent I didn't even know I had! It took a lot to cut into this cake since it took almost 3 hours and quite a few beers to complete. The picture really doesn't do it justice!

That black frosting sure looks tasty, doesn't it?!?

After all the guests left the girls played a little horsey with Grandpa.

Sunday morning Brynn woke up to a decorated doorway. I really think this is her favorite part of her birthday...she even asked if I was going to decorate her doorway for her birthday before she went to bed the night before.
Birthday kisses!
Brynn was invited to a birthday party on her birthday. I was really torn because we wanted to do something special with her on her special day but she was insistent she attend Megan's party. We compromised and took her out for lunch before she headed to the party. It was quite the stressful birthday lunch...the service was slower than molasses (at 11:15 in the morning), Cara was in no mood to be in a restaurant (come to find out she had an ear infection and wasn't just being sassy because she can), they mixed up our order and had to bring them back to the kitchen, and we were late for the party since we were at Applebee's for almost 2 hours! However, Brynn got to order chocolate milk and french fries because it was her special day so she really didn't mind being there for 2 hours at all!
Happy 4th Birthday, Brynn Tressa. We are so blessed to have you in our lives!
Happy 4th Birthday, Brynn Tressa. We are so blessed to have you in our lives!
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