Saturday, October 30, 2010

Labor Day

Darren had a fabulous idea on Labor Day to spend the day on the Cannon Valley trail biking with the girls. In my mind it was going to be a great, relaxing family day. If only it was... From the get-go Cara wanted nothing to do with being in the bike trailer that after 40 minutes of biking we got her out then walked our bikes and the girls to stop and have lunch. Walking bikes along with trying to keep two young children from being run over by many other serious bikers is quite the task. Once stopping for lunch Cara wanted nothing to do with eating, but had a great time filling her sandwich bag with gravel from the nearby driveway. Brynn, on the other hand, loved taking the bike trailer out for more than a bike around the neighborhood. In typical Brynn fashion she also ate like a champ on the picnic blanket and was ready to hop back in.

After another 35 minutes of screaming on the way back Cara (and Brynn) finally fell asleep--for the 5 minutes it took us to get back to our car. This was definitely the last bike ride of the season. Hopefully next year Sassafras will be more content in the bike trailer.

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