Wow! I cannot say enough about our end of the summer vacation with our great friends, the Eckhoffs. In three words: BEST VACATION EVER!! We rented quaint little three bedroom cabin in Brainerd, MN the week before Darren, Melissa, and I went back to school and the real world. It was perfect. We had phenomenal company, extremely happy kids, delicious food, and delightful weather. What more could you ask for? Here are a few pictures of our week up north.

Both girls were extremely good travelers and fell asleep shortly after we left
Farmington and stayed asleep until we stopped to get lunch in

Upon arriving and settling in Peyton and Brynn hit the water.

Future Mr. and Mrs. Landon
Eckhoff's first bath together.

A quick boat ride before lunch.

One of many delicious meals before heading back out to the water.

"I love having a picnic!"

Melissa entertaining 3 kids in the water--perhaps you should have just one more Melissa!


Brynn and Peyton collected and entertained themselves with buckets, sand, acorns, and water for hours.

Future Mr. and Mrs. Peyton

Sweet Landon being contained in his
floatie so he doesn't eat everything on the ground in sight--although he has quite the reach this tactic only worked for a few minutes.

A romantic train ride with a kiss to kick it off.

D entertaining the kiddos while we get dinner ready.
Trolly ride pulled by beautiful, huge,

Another picture for their wedding table.

Cara tormenting the ducks...

Fishing off the dock with Dad!

Yep, we caught fish that BIG!

When it was a little too windy on the beach we would head to the enclosed pool where the water was much warmer. That's Brynn doing a cannon ball off the side of the pool.

Sweet Cara hanging out in the lounge chair with me.

Cara was so content playing on the beach. All that girl needed the whole week was a bucket and some sand.

I must say we do have some adorable kids.

Cara started out the week
hating the boat, but by the end she would pull me onto the dock and beg to go in the boat. She is too cute!

Melissa and Landon took a quick cat nap on a late evening ride.
The future Eckhoff family.