We had an absolutely fabulous birthday and party with Brynn. Darren and I both took the day off on Friday to spend with her at the Children's Museum, and Saturday we had her party. She loved every minute of being the center of attention both days. She loved her doggie themed birthday and was quite pleased with the the cute cupcakes I made her. Thank you to all who were able to come and make Brynn's party a huge success!

This year she didn't even cry when we sang "Happy Birthday" to her, although she turned her head sideways and acted a little embarassed. She had no trouble blowing out her two birthday candles though.

The doggie cupcakes were a big hit!

Here's a picture of the food spread. We had mini hotdogs, puppy chow, sandwiches shaped as dog paws and dog bones, fresh salsa and chips, and a fruit salad.

As Dylan, Angie, and Nolan had another party to attend the same day as Brynn's party they came up early to spend some time with us. We loved having you all here. Nolan is getting so big and fun. Brynn loves him so much!! We are still trying to get a good photo of the two of them together...
Looks like you guys had a great time! Love the cupcakes - too cute!
It is hard to believe that she is two already! She looks like she had a wonderful time.
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