Darren and I both have spring break this week. We had talked about going some where but with Ollie's ailments we decided it would be best if we stayed home so we could keep an eye on him. So, instead we are having a staycation.
Initially I was a little disappointed that we didn't/couldn't go any where...then I saw the weather forecast and thought it might not be so bad staying here in MN. I was right, we are breaking records left and right around here!
Sunday it was a balmy 79 degrees with partly cloudy skies. Just gorgeous! We took advantage of it and spent 2 hours at a nearby park riding bikes, playing on the equipment, and flying kites. The PERFECT way to start a staycation if you ask me!

Brynn got a chance to get her balance bike out and give it a whirl. A few more times out and I predict she'll be riding her 2 wheeler without training wheels :)

Cara perfected her skills on the trike!

Brynn was so proud she climbed to the top of the spider!

It was super windy out so we brought Cara's kite along she received for her second birthday that hadn't made it out of the packaging yet. It was a perfect day for flying kites!

Darren was able to get out kite up on the first try!

Brynn could not wait until it was her time to hold the kite string. I am pretty sure she asked 15 times (in a 5 minute period) before Darren handed it to her.

It was so windy I had to hold Brynn by the hips to make sure she didn't fly away with the kite!

Sweet Cara :)

Brynn was worried Cara was going to fly away so she grabbed hold of her. Super sweet, but Cara only tolerated it for about 5 seconds.