Cheesy was being a great helper while Darren put Brynn's doll house together that she received from Grandma Connie. Looks comfy, doesn't it?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
We had Thanksmas (Thanksgiving and Christmas if you were wondering) with Darren's family on Saturday. Connie and Dave left for warm and sunny Arizona this morning to get their share of golfing in. It was great to see the cousins who we only see once a year--man teenagers grow a lot in a year! Thanks for a great start to the holiday season!
Mullenbach Cousins
Sad Hearts :(
It is with sad hearts that we post our sweet, slightly obnoxious and annoying, but extremely lovable Colby Cheese was diagnosed on Monday with a highly aggressive form of cancer-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. She has a cancer filled tumor in her abdomen the size of a softball. After being quite lethargic and having diarrhea for a couple weeks we brought her in to the vet and were shocked, saddened, and heart broken to find out this information. Since Monday she, and Ollie, have been spoiled rotten. Although she is still with us now we look ahead to the very near future and are sure going to miss our crazy, free spirited dog!
They even get to cuddle with me on the couch in the evening--this is a BIG treat in our house. When this is all said and done Ollie is going to need quite a bit of retraining!
Playdate with Peter!
Friday, November 19, 2010
And were out...almost
We pulled the last gallon size bag of frozen breast milk out of the deep freeze today. Cara is definitely going to be going through withdrawls since that is all she has had for the last 17 months of her life. We have tried whole milk with her, but she is not too interested in it. As soon as she sees a bag of her milk taken out of the freezer she begins whining and crying until she has her cup in her hands--I sure won't miss that one bit!
We had our first big snowfall on Saturday. It was so fun to get up to a winter wonderland right in our backyard. Brynn was so excited when she saw the snow. She came down from upstairs and said, "I can't even imagine! My playset is covered in snow!" After breakfast (and doing a couple loads of laundry) we headed outside to play in the snow. Darren was out running a couple errands so it was just the girls and me. Initially, Cara couldn't wait to go out and play...then she actually got out in the snow and decided it wasn't as cool from the outside as it was from the inside. I did manage get a few pictures despite her lack of enthusiasm for the snow.
Does it get any cuter?
The girls were in such playful moods one evening so we spent the night chasing eachother around the house (hence not having clothes on--they were a little sweaty). When we finally stopped and looked at the clock it was way past bedtime. I put in one of Brynn's Baby Einstein videos that she got as a gift when she was a baby so they could wind down a bit. They both plopped themselves on the couch to watch it. As they settled down and cooled down Brynn became chilly so went and got her blanket off the blanket rack and brought it back to the couch. Cara watched Brynn get hers, hopped off the couch, grabbed her blanket, then looked at Darren and said, "bup (up)" and covered herself up. Although she says very little, she sure is one smart little cookie!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Halloween 2010
We had the best Halloween this year! Friday night we spent the evening cleaning out and carving our pumpkins.
Saturday we had our second annual Halloween party. It was SO much fun. All the kids were absolutely adorable and did so well playing together.
We played a little pin the smile on the jack-o-lantern.
Brynn Tressa

Ella Grace
Aubrey Mae

Rotted apple grins,
creepy fingers,
more creepy fingers,
and mummies (for the kids) were just a few of the fun foods we ate.

Henry Dennis
After playing a couple quick games we set up some paints so the little ones could paint some pumpkins...I'm still finding paint on random walls throughout my house!
The little kids eating some dinner...
...and the big kids eating dinner.
An attempt to get a picture of all the kids in their costumes. Lots of smarties were eaten during this photo shoot and we still didn't get a good one!
Cara, who doesn't like anyone, loved Uncle Derek!
To wind the night down we got all the kids in their jammies and played with flashlights and glow sticks. A BIG hit.
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