Brynn has been taking herself to the bathroom for quite some time, but has recently shown a big interest in getting her "dundies" and pants on by her "big girl self." You just never know what she is going to look like when she comes out of the bathroom, but most often she tucks her shirt...or dress in her dundies, or she has her pants on backwards and her hips through the leg hole of her underwear. I just appreciate the fact that I don't have to take her to the bathroom every time she goes or remind her that it is time to go potty! She is one independent little Bug!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Two Month Stats
Cara Bean went to the doctor on the 21st for her 2 month check up. Her pediatrician said she looks great and to keep doing what we're doing. Here's where she fell:
Weight: 10 lbs. 2 ounces (26th percentile)
Height: 23 inches (70th percentile)
Head Circumference: 14.5 inches (5th percentile)
One week Stats from June 25, 2009
Weight: 7 lbs. 12 ounces (44th percentile)
Head Circumference: 13 inches (5th percentile)
Height was not taken.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
"Cabin" Trip
Darren and I decided we needed our first family of 4 trip before we went back to school. After pondering many options we decided to rent a cabin at Jellystone Park in Warrens, WI. I had been camping there a few times when I was younger, but haven't been back in at least 15 years (does this make me old?). As camping doesn't really interest me a whole lot with two little ones we decided to spend a little extra money on a cabin. Boy were we shocked when we pulled up in front of our "cabin." It was no bigger than a shoe box with two tiny little bedrooms, and I really do mean tiny. We brought pack-n-play for Brynners to sleep in in the second bedroom thinking it would be easier than bringing all the bedding for her bed. Well little did we know that a person could be not bigger than Brynn to fit in the second bedroom. So we improvised and gave her our top sheet to cover the mattress and one of our blankets. We really talked her bedroom up so she would be excited to sleep in there and she did fantastic. I think she was so exhausted each night that it wouldn't have mattered where she slept!
Bringing back the French Braid!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Talking and Smiling
Nursing our babies
The Eckhoffs invited us out on their boat on Friday. What a beautiful day it was...perfect for boating, swimming, and picnicing. The first 20 minutes or so after getting to the sand bar were touch and go with little Ms. Cara, but she finally fell asleep and slept in her carseat until it was time to go 4 hours later. Apparently she really likes sleeping in her carseat under a shaded sand umbrella provided by a near by boater. It was such a nice summer treat! Thanks, Eckhoffs, for inviting us out with you!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Nurse Brynn
Brynn wasn't feeling well recently so I took the thermometer out to take her temp. It was still sitting out the following day when Colby Cheese wasn't feeling well due to eating too much bark off the tree. Brynn wanted to play "tug" with her and I asked her not to because she wasn't feeling well. She marched right over to the end table and got the thermometer out and took Cheesy's temp. Maybe she'll be a nurse when she grows up instead of the bus driver she claims to want to be. We can only hope!
Ms. Polly Had a Dolly
Brynn has recently been very interested in all kinds of songs. She asks us more times a day than we would like to sing song after song. Very rarely will she sing for us, but she finally let me video her with Ms. Polly Had a Dolly. Man, she's cute!
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