Sunday, December 13, 2009
We finally made it down to Rochester to meet the newest Eckhoff. Landon was born almost a month ago and one thing after another kept keeping us from meeting him. Darren and Jeremy took Brynn and Peyton sledding down their huge hill (with a 3 foot snow drift dead center--thius made it quite comical to watch the boys try to walk back up the hill pulling two sledders) while Melissa and I kept Landon and Cara cozy in the warm house. I don't know what I was thinking, but I didn't even take one picture of Landon--grrr!
We made it to the Holidazzle Parade on Saturday night. We had tickets for the hot seats since we had Cara Bean with us. We decided it is much more fun to participate on the curb. The large crowds inside the tent, cloudy plastic windows, and gross hot chocolate were really not our thing. Next year we will be out on the curb with the rest of the Minnesotans!
Notice Brynn's light up wand she fell asleep with!
Poor Cara
Darren picked the girls up from Lynn's on Friday after work and Cara was a wreck. She had the worst cold I have ever witnessed on a baby. I felt terrible that we even sent her. All she wanted to do when she got home (after sleeping for 3 hours) was lay on someone's chest. Her dad was just the guy to do it! Amazingly, she woke up on Saturday morning and was much, much better. For being such and awful cold it sure came and went! Apparently a warm mist humifier with Vicks, Vicks on the chest, and a Vicks plug in did the trick! Our whole house smells like Vicks, but at least our girl isn't miserable any more.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree
This Saturday we have tickets to sit in the hot seats at the Holidazzle Parade. The plan was to go get a Christmas tree Saturday morning, decorate it before naps, go out for an early dinner and end the night with the parade. Of course we could not have anticipated it being below zero on Saturday since it has been quite the mild winter. Plans had to change. We ran out quickly on Monday after work and picked out a tree. It still needs to be decorated, but at least we were able to pick it out when it was almost 30 degrees instead of below zero!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
This would never have happened...
...when Brynn was a baby. Poor Cara, things sure change when you're the second child! Both girls had a bath right before lunch. I got Cara out of the tub first and dressed her then put her in the jumper until I had Brynn out. I decided to get Brynn lunch quick before getting Cara out of the jumper. It was all too quiet upstairs so I ran up to check on her. Poor thing must have been really tired. I pulled her out and transferred her to the crib without her even stirring and she slept for more than two and a half hours. I think I'll put her down for her nap in her jumper every Sunday!
Family Date Night
Friday night we went on a family date night. We asked Brynn where she wanted to go for dinner and she chose Applebees (pretty much the only restaurant she knows) and then we went bowling at Farmington Lanes. Brynn out-bowled me with a score of 81...I bowled a 79 (she got to use the bumpers and a ramp so it really wasn't fair)...and Darren bowled an 89. We decided we should be on a league and possibly participate in the bowl olympics next weekend. If only we didn't have two kids!! Sweet little Cara happily sat in her Bumbo and watched all the action for most of the night. Great fun was had by all!
Feeding our Babies
Lately Brynn has been loving to help me with nearly everything related to Cara. She attempted to help me feed Cara her cereal and nearly gagged her so I decided the next time she could feed her own baby while I fed Cara. BOY DID SHE THINK SHE WAS ONE COOL CHICK!
Just an FYI that rice cereal is nearly impossible to get out of all the little crevices in Brynn's "Heavy" baby.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sleeping Bag
Grandma Connie gave Brynnie a sleeping bag that wasn't being used at their house. It sure is being used here! Brynn insists on taking her nap on the weekends in the sleeping bag. I'm not sure why it would be fun to sleep on the floor when you have a perfectly good bed less than a foot away, but it sure makes Brynn happy!
4 Month Stats, 5 Months Old!
I have been meaning to get Cara's 4 month stats on the blog for over a month now... sometimes sleep is just more important.
Weight: 12 pounds 13 ounces (26th percentile)
Height: 25 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 15 1/4 cm (5th percentile)
It has been WAY too long since we last I'll start with our fun-filled Halloween. The fun began on Friday night when we (finally) carved our pumpkins. Brynn was a great helper cleaning out and carving (yikes, this part made Mom very nervous), and Cara was her happy little self through the whole process. Saturday we spent the majority of the day getting ready to have Uncle Dylan, Aunt Angie, and cousin Nolan over for dinner and trick-or-treating--Uncle Tommy, Auntie Key, and cousin Henry even stopped by for a quick visit.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Farmington Cheerleaders
Too cute! A friend from work borrowed me her daughter's (who is now in high school) Farmington Cheerleader costume that her mom made to use for Brynn. I had asked if her mom would be willing to make Cara one as well. You ask and you shall receive! Both Brynn and Cara's are big enough that they will reappear next year around this time too. I can't wait. How cute is it going to be when Cara is walking around next to her big sister!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
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